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My list of all time favorite books

I love to read and collecting books is my hobby. There are many books that I have read and out of these today I will be sharing those which are my all time favorite. The books I am including in this list are well written, have a solid plot and the character development in these is extremely breath taking.


Books by John Grisham are what you should seek and read more. Grisham not only creates wonderfully detailed characters but the plot of his books is articulate and hooks the readers in immediately. I have read The Racketeer by John Grisham and it was absolutely fantastic, filled with suspense till the last chapter and all in all it was a perfect read.

If you are interested in other crime fiction stories, you can check out The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.


If you want to try other genre books that slightly correspond to this theme, you should look up Philippa Gregory. Gregory is the queen of historical fiction and similar to Grisham, every word she writes hooks readers and the thrill and suspense in her stories are immense. Her characters are historical figures that were not paid much attention to and her stories revolve around their lives with subtle twists here and there. I have read The Queen’s Fool by Philippa Gregory and it was about Queen Mary I and her life. The way the book was written was absolutely delightful and Mary’s character had been portrayed beautifully making readers question he historians as to what is fact and what is fiction regarding her.

Other historical fiction book to consider for people who enjoy reading about the Queen Elizabeth is Heresy by S.J Parris.


Also if you have an interest for stories dealing with the extraordinary and based in parallel universes, you should try reading His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman. It consists of books The Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass and is based in a parallel universe following the life of of a young girl Lyra who is fated to change the world and seek a greater purpose in the universe. It has suspense and also deals with forbidden experiments, discoveries and crimes as a subplot.


I suggest you to check out Heartless by Marissa Meyer. It is a fabulous retelling of Alice In Wonderland and focuses on the Queen Of Hearts. It has a unique plot and focuses also on the darker aspects of the well known fairytale. Check out other books by Marissa as well such as The Lunar Chronicles.

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